Five picks from December

And so it ends. You'll have heard it all by now, surely. The neverending year. The longest year ever. Hell year. The worst year ever. And so on. You don't need me to add any hyperbole. For some it really was. Despite seemingly widespread denial, many people have become very ill or died due to the pandemic our government here in the UK are still failing to take the correct action on. As well as loved ones, people lost their businesses and jobs. Some lost their homes. At the same time, a lot of people have reconnected with their families after being work-eat-sleep-repeat zombies for years. While our government has failed in a number of serious ways, they did provide furlough payments to people who couldn't work, paying 80% of my wages as well as millions of others. This allowed me to spend far more time with my family, as well as connect with hundreds of people through Twitter and discuss music and black metal chuds. I acknowledge this has been a dreadful year for many people...