I don't know why, but the UK isn't really a place I would instantly associate with black metal. Yes, I know about Venom. I know they exist thank you. I'm also somewhat familiar with others; Cradle of Filth, Winterfylleth, Akercocke, Anaal Nathrakh, The Meads of Asphodel, and a few others. It still feels like a very small scene with few established acts. With this third album being released by 20 Buck Spin, we absolutely need to add Wode to that list. If you already had Wode up there as one of the best black metal acts to come out of the UK, then you probably think you know exactly what to expect. Shit, you've probably pre-ordered the vinyl and tell everyone you saw them playing a pub in Machester in 2016 before the first album came out. Nerd. You're also probably wrong. Burn In Many Mirrors is still recognisable as a work of Wode, but feels a lot like a band getting comfortable enough in their leather jackets that they can start adding less kvlt patches and showing ...
The year has got off to a tremendous start, hasn't it? We nearly had World War 3, Australia has been on fire for weeks, we soon get to find out how Harvey Weinstein manages to convince a jury that he hasn't sexually assauled or raped over 80 women, and we got a surprisingly good debut EP from probably the first ever amphibian-inspired band. As always, I'm sure I've missed stuff you dig. You can either write a comment below and kindly let me know I missed something you really enjoyed, or you can be rude and call me an idiot. In which case you can fuck off. You can listen to all of these on this month's playlist over on Spotify , except the 殞煞 Vengeful Spectre release because that's on bandcamp, linked in the review. I've replaced them with a pretty different black metal offering - Svarttjern, who don't get a review other than "a great punky black metal record". Wormhole - The Weakest Among Us (Lacerated Enemy) When I was younger,...
A lot is made of the idea that metal, specifically black metal, should be dangerous. Those who talk the talk but shy away from walking the walk are branded as posers, merely adopting the aesthetic and notoriety of others; the true believers, the church burners, the blasphemers. The kvlt. After that first wave, not much has been truly dangerous in black metal. Sure, you might see Adam from Behemoth accused of blasphemy in deeply Catholic Poland (does this coincide with Behemoth announcements?), and then there are those who flirt with or fully believe in neo-Nazi or fascist ideology who see this as forbidden knowledge and thus dangerous. But being told to stop saying stupid shit isn't the same thing as being dangerous. Back in September I bought an album titled Eternal War on Bandcamp by an Iranian blackened death band, Death Squad. Yes, the same Iran that sees musical instruments as haram - banned. Metal musicians have previously faced blasphemy charges in Iran, for which one of the...
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